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When your body has too few red blood cells, you may suffer from symptoms of anemia. Among many types of anemia, iron deficiency is the most common. When you suffer from extreme anemia, hyperbaric oxygen therapy may be the answer. At Westside Pain Specialists, we use hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)...
The long-lasting effects of chronic pain present treatment complications for both patients and physicians. Sometimes, chronic pain persists even after tissue damage heals due to changes in the way nerves report pain to the brain. Other challenges include long-term effects of using medications to manage pain, since your body can...
Chronic joint pain from the degenerative effects of arthritis is often a tricky condition to control. You could need more than one form of therapy to ease your symptoms, and late-stage joint deterioration may leave total joint replacement as your only option. There are, however, less invasive options that you...
Sciatica isn’t a medical condition in itself, but rather a collection of symptoms that accompany compression and irritation of the sciatic nerves. The largest and longest nerves in your body, sciatic nerves run from your lower back to your feet, down each leg. Usually, sciatica is a temporary problem that...
If you’ve given any thought at all to platelets in your blood, you likely know that their main task is clotting blood, forming a scab after a cut, scrape, or other skin injury. That scab is the first step in your body’s healing response, but it’s not the only boost...
There’s no healer as extraordinary and versatile as your own body, though there are limits to the repairs it can accomplish without assistance. Chronic pain is sometimes persistent or attached to degenerative conditions, so it won’t always resolve on its own. Treating chronic neck pain is just one of our...
When you hurt your back, your natural reaction might be to immobilize yourself, rather than risk triggering further instances of the severe pain. In the earliest stages of a back injury, this is the right response. However, the quickest road to recovery includes returning to activity when it’s safe to...
It’s common for people to develop shoulder pain, since shoulders are the most complex and mobile joints in your body. The shoulders are susceptible to both injury and degenerative conditions like arthritis. Dr. James Nassiri and the team at Westside Pain Specialists can help you with any form of shoulder...
The National Center for Health Statistics, a unit of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reports that 39% of American adults suffered back pain in 2019. Back pain affects most people at some point in their lives, even if it’s short-lived due to overexertion. Chronic back pain can...
Many people hear about hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) only in the context of treating scuba divers who are suffering from the effects of sudden pressure changes. It’s also a proven therapy for a variety of health issues. At Westside Pain Specialists, we’re most interested in the effects of HBOT on...
Virtually all of the nutrients you need come from the foods you eat, at least when your body works at full capacity. Sometimes, dietary deficiencies or illnesses can affect the way your body breaks down and absorbs vital calories, minerals, and vitamins. In rare cases, it’s enough to affect your...
It’s natural to think of physical and mental health as separate components of your overall well-being. You don’t visit a psychiatrist for a broken leg, after all, nor do you see an orthopedic surgeon about anxiety and depression. Yet, it’s not that simple to separate components of wellness. Your physical...
Despite every advance in medical science, there’s still no more effective healer than your own body. Even when doctors perform life-saving surgery, they count on the ability of the body to finish the job, repairing cut tissue and sealing over incisions. One small part of the self-healing abilities you possess...
The short answer to the question, “Is arthritis reversible?” is no, it’s not. However, while joint damage resulting from many forms of arthritis can’t be cured, many can be treated, and lifestyle changes can help you live a comfortable, mobile life, in spite of the condition. There are more than...
Up to 43% of Americans will have a sciatica experience in their lifetime. It’s a pain syndrome resulting from irritation of the sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in the body. You’ve got two; they branch off the spinal cord and then run down each leg. As well as pain at...
Whether you need hydration, medication, or nutrients, the fastest way your body absorbs the benefits is through your bloodstream. For drinks, drugs, and food you take by mouth, the digestive system stands between you and the benefits you may receive. Digestion takes time, and the process of breaking down food...
You’re medically diagnosed with chronic pain when you experience symptoms lasting longer than three months. In many cases, the physical reasons for your pain may have already healed, with only the pain symptoms remaining. Medication-based treatment, so effective for short-term use, isn’t the best alternative for chronic pain care. The longer you...
Your joints are aching — again. Your body depends on joints for movement and function, so joint pain can interrupt the most basic tasks of your day. While joints can hurt temporarily due to injury or overuse, pain can also be a sign of a chronic condition like arthritis or a nagging...
Virtually everyone has some form of knee pain at some point. Minor knee pain is temporary, responding well to rest and home care. Other injuries can damage components of the knees, like cartilage and ligaments, and the extent of the damage may dictate the nature of treatment necessary for recovery. Surgery is...
Sciatica describes the group of symptoms arising from compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. You’ve got two, each branching off the lower spine and running down a leg. Compression usually develops because of herniated spinal discs or narrowing of the spaces in the spine that allow the nerves to...
Your body works at self-regeneration around the clock, whether it’s growing hair and new skin cells or repairing damage from injuries and surgery. The nutrients from the foods we eat deliver the building blocks of these growth and repair processes. Sometimes, your body’s rate of regeneration is limited by the...
May is National Arthritis Awareness Month, a time to appreciate the impact of the collection of the joint diseases on more than 58 million American adults. Arthritis is an umbrella term that includes over 100 conditions that affect joints throughout your body. The most common by far is osteoarthritis, a physical breakdown of joint components,...
The shoulders have the most complex joints in your body. Achieving the strength and flexibility they give to your arms comes at a cost. A collection of soft tissue called the rotator cuff gives the shoulders stability, which the shallow ball-and-socket joints wouldn’t have otherwise. Injuries to components of the...
Affecting 10-40% of the adult American population at some point in their lives, sciatic nerve pain is a common reason for doctor’s visits and lost time. As well as pain symptoms, you could experience tingling, numbness, muscle weakness, and even bowel and urinary incontinence. Most cases of sciatic nerve pain...
There’s perhaps no more common distraction to your day than being tired. Even when it’s not due to a health condition or late night, feeling tired can affect your mood and concentration, along with a wide range of other functional abilities. It might be the onset of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS),...
As a back pain expert, Dr. James Nassiri of Westside Pain Specialists sees plenty of different types of pain. Pain under the shoulder blades may not be as common as neck or lower back problems, but it still affects many people at various points in their lives, and for widely...
Though there are many causes for neck pain, most are short-term, easing up after a few days. Chronic issues last for months and may interfere with daily activities and the overall quality of your life. It’s difficult to manage chronic pain with the medications that serve you well for temporary...
Urethral stricture is a fairly common men’s health problem that has been documented since ancient times. Unfortunately, the treatments for it don’t always prevent recurrence, for what can become a debilitating condition. Dr. Paul Chung, an expert in men’s health issues, has offered the two most common treatments for urethral stricture, urethral dilation...
Viewing digital screens was already on the rise before the pandemic isolated so many. It was only natural that we turned to smartphones, tablets, and laptops to work, entertain ourselves, and stay connected. Makeshift home offices often advanced ergonomic compromises. All these factors push your head forward in front of...
The knees are the largest joint in your body, and they’re crucial to move you through your day. Knee pain can make it tough to handle everyday tasks, let alone worrying about exercise. Yet, building and maintaining the support muscles of the knee might be one of the best pain-killing...
Rethinking pain management amid the current opioid crisis is a natural progression. In 2019, over 10 million people in the United States misused these prescription medications. Given the potential for side effects and addictions, it simply makes sense to look away from medication-based therapies for chronic pain. You may be surprised at...
You can feel pain in your shoulder as a result of many injuries or conditions, and not all of them may be problems with the shoulder joint itself. However, when it comes to long-lasting pain, medically referred to as chronic pain, chances are good that it’s from one of five...
Back pain is a common problem that most adults face at some point in their lives. Though it’s temporary for some, others deal with long-term issues. Lower back pain hits about 25% of American adults in any given three-month period. Chronic back pain, lasting longer than three months, may involve...
There’s no escaping posture, whether you’re sitting or standing. It’s like the weather, always there no matter if it’s good or bad. You’ve likely been told to sit up straight or to stop slouching at some point in your life, and no matter what the motivation for it, it’s good...
As many as 40% of Americans experience sciatica, the collective name of the symptoms that arise from compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. It creates pain, numbness, tingling, and weakness, not just at the site of compression. Sciatica has the potential to crop up anywhere along the nerve. When...
Usually, headaches are minor problems, short periods of discomfort with no serious medical reason behind them. Migraines can be more disruptive, as can chronic headaches. About 1 in 5 people with headache issues may have also food sensitivity issues that contribute to their episodes. Headaches and diet can have several...
Managing chronic pain has long been a challenge. Even when you find a medication that works and has minimal side effects, your body can change its response over time, building resistance to the medication’s effects. This scenario requires increased dosages, increasing the risks of increased complications or addiction. At Westside...
When it affects you, it doesn’t matter how common knee pain is; you simply need to get past it to get on with life. Could something as simple as a change of shoes be causing your issue? It’s possible. The mechanics of walking have a big influence on the condition...
Carrying a heavy bag of groceries from your car to the kitchen can take some effort, but it’s nothing compared with the months you spend carrying a developing child. While the human spine is well-suited for managing temporary loads, it’s common when the late stages of pregnancy include back pain. ...
The best and most complete healer you’ll encounter is your own body. Left to its own devices, your body carries out many repairs and maintenance tasks without you giving it a single thought. The field of regenerative medicine recognizes the incredible power of nature and seeks to find ways to...
Up to 40% of Americans experience sciatica at some point in their lives, with the risk rising as they get older. Your sciatica episode may be different from others because there’s not a singular cause behind all cases, and sometimes you may have more than one factor contributing to your...
Occasional knee pain is common, as are knee injuries. There’s a difference, though, between sore, aching knees and episodes where you have serious, debilitating pain. Aches can be trouble enough to work around, while severe pain can stop you in your tracks. The causes of severe knee pain can vary...
More than 1 in 5 American adults are diagnosed with some form of arthritis. Though there are over 100 conditions that fall under the arthritis banner, the most common forms are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Each has a different cause, but both are degenerative diseases that can’t be cured. However,...
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) may be affecting as many as 2.5 million people in the United States, with an estimated 90% of them undiagnosed. This isn’t surprising when you consider that the cause of the condition is unknown. You get more tired when you exert yourself physically or mentally, which...
Unlike injuries that produce symptoms directly at the affected site, nerve irritation or compression can sometimes create an effect called referred pain. Instead of symptoms at the point of injury, you could experience effects anywhere along the path of the nerve. It’s possible that tingling, numbness, or pain that you...
Everyone endures occasional aches and pains, whether from exertion, injury, or medical condition. Many times, over-the-counter pain medications are all you need. On other occasions, you may need to rest for a few days. Chronic pain gets diagnosed when your pain symptoms last 12 weeks or longer. Often, it’s not...
Patients and doctors alike seek the best and most conservative effective treatments when faced with conditions and illnesses. In particular, the management of chronic pain demands a movement away from drug-based therapies. When used wisely, opioid pain medications provide excellent short-term pain relief, such as after surgery or an accident....
There’s no question that opioid pain medication, when used knowledgeably and with careful medical oversight, can be effective in controlling chronic pain. However, drawbacks and side effects should make opioids no longer than a short- to medium-term solution. You need alternatives if your chronic pain condition lasts for years, or...
Incidental back pain is one thing. A day of overwork or overuse can slow you down temporarily, but with rest and recovery, you’re back to your normal routine in a day or two without ill effect. About 16 million American adults, though, suffer from chronic back pain that’s both regular...
Your neck’s primary job is supporting and stabilizing the head. That’s an average load of 11 pounds, on average, supported by 20 muscles and balanced atop seven vertebrae. It’s a substantial load, and good human posture aids the process by holding this weight over your body’s center of gravity. This...
Back pain is common. It occurs so widely that 85% of people will suffer from it at some point in their lives. One-quarter of American adults report suffering from back pain within the last three months. It’s often a tricky problem to diagnose and treat accurately, since causes often seem...
The constant stress and strain on your knees means it’s likely you’ll experience knee pain at some point in your life. Dr. James Nassiri and the team at Westside Pain Specialists know and understand the reasons behind knee pain, and they can quickly identify why you’re suffering. More importantly, they...
If you’ve heard of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, it may be as a sports treatment, helping world-class athletes recover from the wear and tear of elite level performance. While you may be miles behind the abilities of pro athletes, PRP can still be an option for you. As a drug-free...
With over 100 forms of the disease, arthritis is a collection of joint disorders, not a single, simple condition. Though two types of arthritis comprise most of the diagnosed cases, there are still over 54 million American adults living with some form of the disease. When the pain and accompanying...
As you navigate your personal health situation during the pandemic stages of COVID-19, there’s plenty of information circulating, both good and bad. Since the coronavirus causing COVID-19 is new and not seen before, the situation changes rapidly, reflecting new discoveries by doctors and researchers. A secondary problem surrounding COVID-19 is the...
No one plans on back pain, yet 65 million Americans report that they’ve recently experienced a back pain episode. Additionally, 16 million people have chronic back pain that interrupts their ability to fully function through their daily lives. What’s worse is that back pain isn’t a condition, but instead a...
The construction of your shoulder makes it a remarkable joint that’s strong and has a great range of motion. However, it’s also a complex joint that operates with great precision. When one component becomes damaged, irritated, or inflamed, your entire arm may become useless, and the pain could become chronic....
It’s a surprise to many people that arthritis has more than just a few variations. Instead, arthritis encompasses over 100 conditions, each causing joint inflammation and pain, though osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are by far the most common. Even if you’re aware of this, there are still plenty of myths...
Crepitus. It sounds a bit ominous, but the medical term for the snaps, crackles, and pops that your body makes from time to time isn’t always bad news. However, the picture is more complex when it’s your shoulder doing the popping. The shoulder is a complex piece of anatomy that...
Arthritis isn’t a single disease, but in fact a collective identity for over 100 conditions that cause pain and swelling in the joints of your body. Over 54 million adult Americans are affected by some form of the disease, usually osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, the two most common types. For...
Despite all the advances in medicine made over the centuries, contemporary healing therapies still can’t match the elegance and power of your own body’s ability to repair itself. The precise nature of both body systems and some illnesses aren’t yet understood, even when we observe the way those systems work....
If you’re suffering from back pain, you won’t be surprised to learn that it’s the leading cause of disability worldwide. Problems with the sciatic nerve are a common source of such pain, as well as effects that radiate anywhere along the path of the nerve. Pain arising from sciatic nerve...
Back pain is virtually inevitable. As you read this, about 31 million Americans are currently suffering from back pain. It’s the leading cause of disability around the world and among the primary reasons for missed time in the workplace. Costs associated with medical care and lost wages could amount to...
Any of the more than 100 types of arthritis can cause tenderness and swelling of your joints, but not always for the same reasons. The most common forms of the disease, however, result in the deterioration of affected joints and may eventually lead to permanent disability without effective treatment. Osteoarthritis...
One contributor to the current opioid crisis is chronic pain. When there’s no treatment or cure for a pain-causing condition, or when the reasons behind chronic pain aren’t entirely clear, pain management is often the only option for care. However, prolonged use of many pain-relief drugs, including opioids, can create...
Daily living can be a pain in the neck. If it feels like that more often, it may be due to changes that common technology brings into your life. It’s called tech neck, or sometimes, text neck. By either name, it’s a pain syndrome that sources back to questionable ergonomics...
Chronic pain is never easy to contend with, and when fibromyalgia is the cause, there’s no treatment leading to a cure. The condition can only be managed, typically with a combination of therapies and pain medications. While techniques such as physical and occupational therapy can provide some drug-free benefits, overuse...
If you’re dealing with neck pain, chances are it’s nothing serious. Perhaps you’re suffering from tension, you were hunched over a table or workbench, or you simply strained a muscle with some long-forgotten motion. In these cases, you can likely get some relief through self-care and rest. When neck pain...
Chronic pain often results from conditions that cause tissue to deteriorate faster rate than your body can repair it. The exciting field of regenerative medicine looks at ways to help your body heal naturally. One strategy that can often produce results seeks to augment the resources available to your body’s...
When your shoulder starts to hurt, it won’t matter to you that shoulder pain is common, or that many problems are minor or short-term. When you can’t perform simple, daily tasks that you’ve always done, the important moment is now. When shoulder pain turns chronic, it may seem there’s no...
Chronic pain is one of the most common reasons why people seek medical help. It’s a leading cause of lost time in the workplace as well as a primary reason for long-term disability. A strong contributor to the worldwide opioid crisis, chronic pain can be difficult to treat, particularly when...
Suffering through chronic pain may make you feel isolated and alone, but in fact you have plenty of company. It’s estimated that 100 million Americans, about 1 in 10, have experienced episodes of pain lasting three months or longer, part of the 1.5 billion chronic pain sufferers worldwide. Chronic pain...
When pain results as part of a medical condition, it’s logical to think that your primary care physician is your go-to source for pain management, and usually that’s the case. However, there are other times when pain itself is the condition, whether due to your body’s deterioration or as a...
Pain stemming from a sciatica episode can range from annoying to debilitating, as anyone who’s experienced the complex pain of sciatic nerve irritation already knows. The pain can affect your lower back as well as anywhere along the nerve’s path, from the spine to the foot, on either side —...
When pain is dominating your life, it’s tough to keep up with your everyday duties. Finding time or energy for the things you enjoy becomes difficult, if not impossible. Traditional pain relief treatments using drug therapy often carry side effects including drug resistance and dependence, and surgical solutions can be...
Your body already has some remarkable self-healing mechanisms. You may not think much about it when you have a small cut. You simply count on your body to do what’s necessary to repair the damage underneath the adhesive bandage you apply. Your body actively works to fix other types of...
More than 25 million people (11% of the population) in the United States face chronic pain every day when they wake up, and the physical and mental toll this takes cannot be understated. While it may be of some comfort to know that you’re not alone, these numbers do little...
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a cutting-edge procedure that’s highly effective for chronic pain and injuries. It uses your body’s own healing mechanisms and applies them right where you need them. At Westside Pain Specialists, we understand how this innovative procedure works and know that while it can help many,...
When you have pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion in your shoulder, you may have adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulder. Women more commonly have the condition as compared to men and it usually shows up between the ages of 40 and 60.Frozen shoulder is characterized by gradually worsening symptoms...
Arthritis, in all its many forms, presents a huge dilemma for sufferers: One of the best ways to fight back — exercise — is blocked by the disease itself. Arthritis is a catchall term for more than 100 conditions that cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in your joints. Most people...
If you’ve noticed that your neck is stiff and sore, and you have trouble moving your head, your phone or laptop might be the culprit. Constantly bending your head to see how many “likes” you’ve gotten, to play another round of Fortnite, or to catch up on the news can...
The aging process brings several striking changes to your body that go deeper than the physical observations you notice when looking in the mirror. Hidden beneath the surface of your skin, your joints are changing as well.Joints form wherever two bones come together and create flexibility within your skeleton. They’re...
You’re born with two knees that are amazingly versatile and give you the freedom to move from place to place. With proper care and exercise, you can prevent unnecessary damage to your knee joints and help prevent painful conditions, like osteoarthritis, from developing.There are a lot of ways knee damage...
You’re familiar with the sciatic nerve if you’ve ever had lower back pain originating on one side, centered on the buttock, with accompanying sensations down the leg on that side. The sciatic nerves branch off from the spine in the lower back and provide sensations down each leg, ending at...
Conditions that cause chronic pain can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint or trace back to a physical origin. With fibromyalgia, for example, the pain reaction might be out of proportion with any physical explanation of the pain sensation or its severity. For that reason, this or similar pain without a...
Chronic pain takes a relentless toll on both the body and mind of the sufferer. With no reprieve from pain and discomfort, stress becomes an ever-increasing burden. However, there’s a reverse relationship between stress and chronic pain as well, where physical malady follows the presence of chronic stress, rather than...
Arthritis is the most common joint disease and the leading cause of disability in the United States. It’s also a disease that gets progressively worse with age, so you need treatments that are safe for the long haul and effective enough to help you stay active.While temporary pain relief can...